" Live today-and deposit your worries in the bank of tomorrow "

Pursuethe reverberations of yesterday or the qualms of tomorrow and attempt to make inroads into the joy of living today to the full.This is the message I wish to share with you during this COVID 19 period. Everything is going through a change-our life situations,social relationships even our students schooling too. First of all, let us accept it and adjust with it.The month of June is the time when all the parents and the educational institutions are look forward to an outstanding academic year, but this year it has set in home atmosphere.It is the time for teachers to integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum instead of viewing it as an add- on, an afterthought or an event.It is the time for parent to take the role of teachers.Let us go together for the integral development of our children in this particular and unexpected situation with confidence.

Sr. Merin Abraham
